Tips and Tricks

Tip Tuesday #55

Here’s another tip for Tip Tuesday:

Tip Tuesday Make up tips and tricks every Tuesday |

Finding your undertones is the first step you should take  

While the color of your skin may change, the color of your undertones will not.  Finding your undertones is the first step in figuring out what shade of foundation and shades of makeup you should be wearing.  It will also help you to determine if you are choosing the correct colors of clothing.

If you don’t know your undertones, here are a few ways that can help you determine what your skin’s undertones are…

Look at the inside of your wrist. What is the main color of your veins? Generally, they will look either blue/purple if you are cool toned or green/olive if you are warm toned.  If you are neutral, the veins will be both blue/purple and green. (That’s me, both purple and green veins)

what is your undertone? |

If you want to read a little more about how to figure out what your undertones are you can read my post about it called What Is Your Undertone?


Let me know if you try it out and what you think! If you are enjoying these tips every Tuesday you can check them all out by clicking HERE.

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You can find me as Looking Joli Good on all three.

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