
The Consequences of Being Forced to Make Black and White Choices in a World of Filled with Gray Nuance

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Abstract/TL;DR: Growing up in a fundamentalist background, I experienced firsthand how it limits critical thinking and embraces a black and white worldview. Nuance and diverse perspectives are discouraged, leading to divisiveness and a lack of empathy. Breaking free from this mindset requires courage and openness to explore complexities and adopt diverse ideas. Letting go of rigid beliefs allows for personal growth and a deeper understanding of the complexity of the world and human experience. Expecting the world to be black and white is an easy way out of thinking that requires little critical thought. Embracing nuance is a continuous process of unlearning and seeking diverse perspectives.

I grew up in a religion full of us vs them. The saved vs the unsaved, Christians vs worldly people. Pro-Life vs Pro-choice. Republicans vs Democrats. Our church versus other denominations. This upbringing in a fundamentalist background showed me firsthand how it rejects any semblance of nuance. The rigid beliefs and dogmas that permeate every aspect of life leave little room for questioning or exploring alternative perspectives. In this environment, the world is viewed through a narrow lens, where everything is distilled into absolutes of right and wrong, good and evil.

Within this framework of thinking, complexity is reduced to simplistic black and white choices, and any shades of gray are dismissed as moral compromises or signs of weakness. Expecting the world to be black and white is a simplistic easy way out of thinking that requires little critical thinking. The fear of straying from the prescribed path, of entertaining doubt or ambiguity, is ingrained deeply.

This lack of nuance has far-reaching consequences. It fosters an “us versus them” mentality, creating an environment of divisiveness and judgment. Dissenting voices or differing beliefs are seen as threats rather than opportunities for introspection and growth. The subtleties of human experience are brushed aside in favor of strict adherence to a predetermined set of beliefs.

Instead of seeking to understand others, there is a tendency to label and dismiss those who hold different viewpoints. This closed-mindedness not only isolates individuals from diverse perspectives but also limits their own understanding of the world.

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Breaking free from this black and white thought pattern requires a willingness to challenge deeply ingrained beliefs. It involves recognizing that the world is more nuanced and complex than what was once thought. It means embracing the uncertainty and exploring the shades of gray that exist between the rigid boundaries.

A nuanced perspective recognizes that faith and doctrine can withstand scrutiny. Questioning and seeking understanding strengthen true faith, leading to a deeper, more genuine belief that can endure challenges. Welcoming scrutiny enriches our spiritual foundation rather than weakening it. If faith and doctrine cannot withstand being scrutinized, they need to be reevaluated.

Reclaiming nuance necessitates engaging in self-reflection and actively seeking out diverse perspectives. It involves questioning the narratives that were once unquestionable and being open to the possibility of growth and change. It requires cultivating empathy and compassion, understanding that people’s experiences and journeys differ, and that it is through listening and understanding that true connection can be created.

A move towards accepting nuance may be daunting. It is an ongoing process of unlearning and reevaluating, breaking free from the constraints of extreme terms, and embracing the beauty and complexity of the human experience. Expecting the world to be black and white is a simplistic easy way out of thinking that requires little critical thinking, and it’s essential to challenge ourselves to move beyond this binary mindset and accept the richness of diverse perspectives and ideas.


Disclaimer: The experiences shared in this post are based on my personal perspective. While I chose to leave the IFB to find a more gracious and loving community, it is important to acknowledge that individuals may have different experiences and find happiness within the IFB or any other religious institution. My decision to leave the IFB does not imply a loss of faith, as faith is a deeply personal and subjective matter. It is essential to respect and recognize the diversity of experiences and perspectives within religious communities. The content shared is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice, guidance, or a universal representation of the IFB or any religious organization. It is recommended to seek guidance, conduct research, and consider multiple perspectives when making personal decisions or exploring matters of faith.While I speak from personal experience and perspective, I want to acknowledge that I come from a place of extreme privilege. I understand that I have the means and support to change my situation, which may not be the case for everyone. It is important to recognize that each individual’s circumstances vary, and not everyone has the same resources available to them.

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