Health/ Fitness

Early Detection Saves Lives!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month! As an oncology nurse, I feel the need to spread the word that early detection saves lives!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, with over 280,000 new cases diagnosed each year. It is also the second leading cause of cancer death among women, after lung cancer. However, early detection and treatment can significantly improve survival rates.

Early Detection Saves Lives |

The goal of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to educate the public about breast cancer, including the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and early detection methods. It is also a time to raise funds for research and support services for people affected by breast cancer.

Get screened. If you are a woman over the age of 40, talk to your doctor about getting regular mammograms. Mammograms can detect breast cancer early, when it is most treatable.

Early Detection Saves Lives |

Know the signs and symptoms. Breast cancer can cause a variety of signs and symptoms, including a lump in the breast, changes in the size or shape of the breast, nipple discharge, and pain in the breast or underarm. If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to see your doctor right away.

Talk to your friends and family. Encourage the women in your life to get screened for breast cancer and to know the signs and symptoms. You can also talk to them about the importance of breast cancer awareness and how to get involved.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time to come together to support those affected by breast cancer and to raise awareness about this important disease. By getting involved, you can help make a difference.

There are a number of ways to get involved in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You can donate to a charity that supports breast cancer research or support services, participate in a fundraising event, or simply talk to your friends and family about the importance of early detection.


Cancer Cannot!

Cancer cannot |
I’ve spent the majority of my professional nursing career fighting cancer. Sometimes it seems as if I’m helping in the battle, and sometimes Cancer has the upper hand.

Cancer is a thief, a time stealer, a heartbreaker.

Cancer thinks it is so strong. Cancer feeds off of fear. Cancer knows hearing its name attached to the one you love will knock you off your feet and send your head spinning. Cancer thinks that it’s is unstoppable.

There are so many things that cancer cannot do.

Cancer Cannot |

Cancer cannot annihilate love,  terminate peace, trample hope or diminish faith.
Cancer cannot silence praise or quitet laughter.
Cancer cannot destroy friendship or remove memories.
Cancer cannot squash courage, suppress motivation, or cripple inspiration.
Cancer can weaken the body but it cannot conquer the soul or destroy the spirit.
Cancer can shorten life but it can never steal eternal life.
God's Way Is Perfect |
It is hard to believe anything good can come from the disappointment and pain of loss.  Trusting God in difficult times leads to a stronger faith. He’s always with us and will use hard times in our lives to make us stronger, wiser, more patient, and more compassionate, more like Him.
I lost a close friend to cancer today. Cancer may be able to separate us here on Earth, but it cannot take away our eternal life together in Heaven.

I would love for you to follow me on TwitterInstagram,  Pinterest, and Facebook. You can find me as Looking Joli Good on all four.

Health/ Fitness · Lifestyle

I REALLY Don’t Want To Get Sick!

I hate being sick!  Who doesn’t though, right?!

Although not unexpected for this time of year, it seems as if especially recently there has been an increase in viral respiratory and gastrointestinal illness recently.

The spread of viral illnesses, like the flu and norovirus, can be prevented by practicing good personal protection measures.

 Prevention is KEY!!!

Achooooo! |

Help yourself and your family stay healthy by following these few tips:

  •  Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and warm water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand gel, like Purell.
  • Sneeze and cough into your elbow.
  • If you are sick, stay home from work, school, or childcare.

    6 ways to ensure unhappiness |

  • If you are a food handler, healthcare worker, or child care worker and are vomiting or have diarrhea, you must stay home until symptoms have stopped for at least 48 hours.
  • Do not share utensils, water bottles, or other personal items. Many germs that cause viral illness are spread through saliva.
  • Wipe down common items like phones, keyboards, doorknobs, and railings with a disinfectant that contains bleach.  (You can also use a solution of 5-25 tablespoons of bleach to one gallon of water.)
  • Get a good night’s rest, drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy diet of fruits and veggies. Helping your body to be strong enough to fight off illness is so important.

Many viral illnesses need to run their course and require staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest.

Antibiotics fight bacterial infections and will not cure illnesses caused by a virus.

If you are sick enough to seek medical care but your problem is not life-threatening don’t waste your time sitting in an emergency department. Call your doctor or go to an urgent care center instead. You will get seen much quicker at their offices and you will feel more comfortable with a quick visit then spending hours in the ER waiting room.

If you are already feeling sick, I hope that you recover quickly!

I would love for you to follow me on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. You can find me as Looking Joli Good on all three.  I would also love to follow you on Instagram and Twitter as well, so let me know your username in the comment section below!

Love and Life

“It’s A Nurse…”

There are some days when it feels like no one notices all of the sacrifices we nurses make.  We get attached to our patients.  We don’t do it for the glory or accolades.  We do it because we really care about our patients.  We cry in the break room or bathroom or the med room. Sometimes it is so draining. Then someone writes a letter like this, and it makes it all worth it!

I’d love for you to follow me on Instagram Lookingjoligood and on Facebook Looking Joli Good!

Love and Life

Saying Goodbye…

Goodbyes are never easy…

I’ve been working at the Infusion Center for about 8 months now.  In these last 8 months I have learned so much and stretched myself further than I have in a long time.  I have faced some new fears (performing a therapeutic phlebotomy) and overcome some old fears (Am I going to remember how to be a nurse after taking an 8 1/2 year maternity leave?!). I have gotten to know some really awesome coworkers and met some great patients and their family members.

Overall the last 8 months have been enjoyable and a great learning experience for me.

For eight years, in the happiness and business of being a stay at home mom, I had almost forgotten what it is like to get attached to a terminally ill person…almost…

This past week was not an easy week at work. Even as I am writing this I can feel the pang of pain in my chest and my eyes getting teary. I had to say goodbye to a special patient.  He and his family had to make the tough decision to discontinue treatments and go on Hospice.

Mr. D* will always have a special place in my heart.  Like me he has a French last name, like me he also likes to talk a lot,  like me he often smiles even when things are not going his way…  After heading back to work after 8 1/2 years, he was the first IV stick I missed and subsequently so, the first IV I successfully started (he graciously let me try again for a second attempt.)  Something about that first little victory together made us fast friends.  Whenever he came in to get treatments, whether I was his nurse for the day or not, I always made sure I went and talked with him.

On Monday after he finished his infusion before leaving as he always does, he came over to say goodbye to me.  He told me that he wouldn’t be coming for treatments anymore and that they had decided to start Hospice care.  I wasn’t expecting to hear that and was caught off guard by his decision.  While I can usually keep it together, I had a very hard time holding my tears back.

I only hope that I am making as big of an impact on my patient’s lives as they are making on me!

Saying Goodbye is never easy |

*Real names have been changed for privacy purposes.

I’d love for you to follow me on Instagram Lookingjoligood and on Facebook Looking Joli Good!

Health/ Fitness

First Day Back to Work

Nurse | lookingjoligood.wordpress.comToday was my first day back to work at the hospital as a nurse.  I have greatly enjoyed being a stay at home mom over the last 8 years, but I am also excited about being back in the world of the employed.

There is just something about being with a group of like minded people that is exciting.  Plus, if you are a nurse or a nursing student, you know what the meal time conversation is like… revolting to some extremely interesting to others. 🙂 I am even looking forward to going back again tomorrow…we’ll see how long that lasts.